Showing posts with label artist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label artist. Show all posts

Time to Pull Out an Old Friend..... and Put Away the Flip Flops....

It's that time of the year to stash the flip flops 
and pull out a dear old friend...
My Boots....
These boots have been many places 
and have done many many things..
A best friend of sorts...
A little spit and polish and they will look grand!



I went to get the mail this dreary morning
to see a packet I was very anxiously awaiting...
Now being an artist that sells a lot of my work on-line..
it is easy to get caught up in the Me-Me of it all...
Twittering Me-Me..
Blogging Me-Me...

I want to take this time to PAY IT FORWARD 
Soul Sister Style
Your Sweet Moonbeam....
...your one of my kind....

I am so inspired by the wonderful color and shapes..

Lindy has started a movement...
See Lindy's BLOG for more..

It is impossible not to enjoy Lindy's art!
She is passionate about and art!


Move Over Boring Bland Muddlers...... My Painted Muddlers Make Awesome Gifts!!

Muddled drinks...
There is nothing like it!
Muddling bruises the Mint releasing the oils..
Muddle fruit too!!
Limes, Peaches, Raspberries..
Yum... bring fresh to your drinks.
I began to muddle mint into my lemonade,
What a wonderfully refreshing drink!
A hand painted Muddler would be the perfect gift for
any one on your list!! 

Yellow Boat, White Boat, Navy Boat, Blue Boat..... What a Beautiful Time-Worn Patina....

I met an artist this spring who spent as 
much time removing paint from her paintings
as she did applying it.
Her results were beautiful..
Something I had never really thought about doing.
This is a technique I am looking to per sue a bit more..

A Favorite Thing..... BIRCH BARK CANOES... Something I love and gives me inspiration...




When I was in Grade school someone 
donated an old birch Bark Canoe to the school.. 
Some old Voyager the Principal knew. 
They hung it in the lobby and I remember loving it,
wondering how it was actually made, the bending of the bark.
How could it be waterproof? Where had it been? 
What a beautiful object...

A Birch Bark Canoe...

On peaceful waters, my vision began,
reflections of diamonds, bouncing off of the sand.
A birch bark canoe with carved wooden paddles,
he points to his horse, on the shore with no saddle.

Together my son, " we'll journey awhile,
" on Great Mother Lake, under the warmth of the sky. "
He gave me an oar and we were guided along,
birds flying high, praises of love in their songs.

Silver birch trees and the tall mighty pines,
colored the landscape, with shades delicate and fine.
The birch bark canoe, he did make with his hands,
many moons ago, just left alone on the sands.

He said with a smile, " that time has been found,
by the love of Great Spirit, together we're bound. "
" The forces of all life, should work together for good,
like the birch bark canoe, the tree gave of her wood. "

The day went so swiftly, the night came too soon,
as the vision was fading, above glowed the moon.
" The birch bark canoe and the gem of dark blue,
true gift's of the spirit, I have given to you. "
 Harold A. Sutton

See My Faux Birch Bark Items  

Be sure to Visit my Other Blog!!

What makes you HAPPY?? SOCK MONKEYS and SUNFLOWERS......

It's the little things that make you happy..
I know I always smile when I see a 
Homemade Sock Monkey
or a Beautiful Sunflower..
Remember to focus on the 
little things along the way..

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