
Drawn to Certain Colors like a Moth to a Flame~~~ Turquoise and Rust ❤

"Atomic Blocks"
When ever I am creating I have come to the conclusion that it seems 
that I am always using a consistent color palette.
Turquoise and Rust
It became very evident to me when I had recently hung a 
large majority of my artwork together for a exhibition and sale.
With almost every aspect of my life these two colors pull me in...
My couches are turquoise with rust colored wood furniture..
When I photograph..
My collections...

What color combinations are you drawn to?
Does it show up constantly in all aspects of your life?

1 comment:

  1. Hey
    Great looking site you have here and great post too
    Fine way of explaining, This has brightened my day!


Thanks for taking the time to write to me! If you love Chalkboards see my other BLOG ZeeZee Custom Chalkboards ** My INSTAGRAM is @artisticenvironments