
Run on Angel Wings............ Lovely Crackle Wing Sets.......................

Had a nice run on Angel Wings...
I do admit I love making these pretty sets..
They float off the wall on a one inch base... 
so lightweight you can hang with a push pin!
I am adding a bunch of NEW Cut Out style Wall Hangings.
Watch my SHOP for the new cut outs coming soon..


  1. Your wings are simply gorgeous! happy halloween! Peace, Mary Helen

  2. Thank You Mary Helen.. your blog is adorable with all those little trick or treaters!!

  3. Thank you for stopping by my Halloween Parade on my post...we have too much fun...well almost. Happy Halloween! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  4. hi..
    i came across your blog it is really very interesting and informative..


Thanks for taking the time to write to me! If you love Chalkboards see my other BLOG ZeeZee Custom Chalkboards ** My INSTAGRAM is @artisticenvironments