
NEW Affordable Prints from my Original Wood Block Paintings - Nature Maidens Inspirational Prints

From an early age I was always drawn to the gentle mystique of Indian Folk Lore.
The Cardinal was always calling to me and I realized that he was my Totem, 
my Spirit Guide.
The Maidens were created to pay homage to the strength of woman 
and the spirits that lay within us all.
I embellish my prints with prismacolor pencils to highlight and pop out the colors.

Finished with a feather.....


  1. Beautiful (I love those muddlers too!)

  2. Those prints look amazing, especially love the one with the owl.

  3. You have a lovely style ^^
    Really beautiful

  4. Beautiful prints and I really love your blog. Welcome to the Artist Blog Hop! I hope you enjoy the journey! I look forward to getting to know you and seeing more of your exquisite art pieces! Sincerely;
    Kelly Watts


Thanks for taking the time to write to me! If you love Chalkboards see my other BLOG ZeeZee Custom Chalkboards ** My INSTAGRAM is @artisticenvironments