
A Little Bit Bali Somewhere I would love to go thanks to EAT PRAY LOVE

All you have to do is GOOGLE
images of Bali and you are in love.

Thatched roofs, soft sands,
amazing temples, colorful costumes...

It is on my list!!


  1. Those look great, love the texture.

  2. Think I will go on a Google trip to Bali ... beautiful work.

  3. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Wow these are amazing..Love em..!

  4. LOVE these!! And I saw your pop up with what you are working on for fall... love the stacked rock...very cool!! Can't wait to see your collection!


  5. Now honey, I don't know how you found me, but I am so glad you did! I love, love, LOVE your art!

    The mermaids, of course, I adore them, but your Haitian art has me all choked up. I wish I could sit here for hours and read back, but real life is calling.

    I'd love to do a post dedicated to your work. Email me if your interested.


Thanks for taking the time to write to me! If you love Chalkboards see my other BLOG ZeeZee Custom Chalkboards ** My INSTAGRAM is @artisticenvironments