
No Power.. Under the Tuscan Sun... Tuscan Inspiration...

Oakville Hydro cut the power for 3 hours...
Wanting to paint and having not much for inspiration,
I plugged one of my favorite movies in the old laptop..

The warm glowing colors and Tuscan Hillsides
were the perfect inspiration!!

I got right to business and came up with these
two soft sculpt, textured
acrylic paintings..
I love happy endings!!

1 comment:

  1. Karen, these are beautiful paintings. Such warm colours.
    And you've mentioned one of my favourite chick flicks.
    If my other half ever walks out, (which is highly doubtful), then I'm off to Tuscany! ; )


Thanks for taking the time to write to me! If you love Chalkboards see my other BLOG ZeeZee Custom Chalkboards ** My INSTAGRAM is @artisticenvironments