
I ❤ CUBA !! Cute Mini Wooden block Painting Set ~ Cigar Woman ~ Car ~ Palm Tree ~ Havana ~ Mojito

Done on Rough Cut Pine.
The wood grain shows.
Little snippets of Cuban Life.

Would make a great wall Collage for
any one who loves Cuba and
would like a lasting memory.
Impressionist, fun, arrange
any way you like!

☀❤ SOLD ❤☀


  1. They are all so wonderful! I especially love the one with the car!!

  2. Your work is gorgeous! Thank you for sweet comment on my blog... your site is a new favorite~ will put you on my blog list so even more can find you & stop by!
    Hope your day is wonderful~

  3. I love Cuba too, old cars, mojitos, people lounging in doorways. You've done a great job of capturing the spirit and colors of Cuba with your vibrant images.

    I think I have a corresponding photo in my photo album from my trip with each of these scenes that you've captured, except perhaps one of the ubiquitous broken down car with an open hood shot.



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