
O.K I admit it.. I have a strange quirk.. I collect Rusty Bottle Caps...

Friends and family are starting to get used to my
mild obsession with collecting rusty things..
Mainly Rusty Bottle Caps..
I may have been a crow in a past life..
My eye always casts to the side of the road..
the edge of the parking lot..
the final resting place of the shiny bottle cap
that through time and erosion become my treasure..
when I suddenly say..pullover..or give me a minute..
They know I have honed in on a treasure site..
Perhaps the spot where picnickers popped
the tops off a cool one or two..
I see I am not alone in this quirk..

Dogfaceboy on Flicker also collects...

Even Kimberly Rogers ..Crafter has a thing for Bottle Caps...
See the beautiful earring she has made..

I am so looking forward to the snow to clear so
I can search for the cast offs of last years pleasures...


  1. Wow, Thanks so much for mentioning me!
    I've been collecting them since I moved to Arizona part time. In Alaska the plows and snowblowers tend to remove them too effectively. I suppose if I go to a snow dump I could find a bunch but they wouldn't be as nicely "roadsmithed" - a name I coined for my rusty road pieces. I look forward to following your blog as well.


  2. Its so funny I was saying to someone,that hubby always laughs at me when I find a rusty treasure.The rustier the better!!You have a wonderful cap collection and your creations are truly magical!!Warmest Regards,Cat

  3. I definitely can relate to this desire. I used to collect all sorts of things including rusty metal!

  4. the handmade earrings are so beautiful!

  5. I thought it was a strange collection for about 2 seconds and then I started imagining what to do with them. They are so cool! I happen to love them!!

  6. I thought it was a strange collection for about 2 seconds and then I started imagining what I would do with them. They are very cool.... I love them!!

  7. We're "Rustafarians"


  8. Love these! CASE! Thanks for sharing. Glad I found you!


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